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Healthi Choice Farmacy

Oats Straw Extract Powder | Organic| Avena sativa

Oats Straw Extract Powder | Organic| Avena sativa

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Botanical name: Avena Sativa


Avena sativa, or common oat, is a species of cereal grass known for its highly nutritious seeds. While its mature seeds are what become the oats you buy, oat straw extract comes from its stems and leaves, which are harvested earlier while the grass is still green. 

Oat straw extract goes by many names, including green oat and wild oat extracts.

Oatstraw is a highly beneficial nervine, nutritive, and sedative.

It is prized amongst herbalists for its gentle and supportive nature. Oatstraw is a favorite for supporting the nervous system. This plant is highly valued for its ability to restore balance, improve mood and bring a sense of calm in weak and/or stressed out individuals.

Oat Straw is traditionally used to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, boast brain function, insomnia, stress, and physical and sexual performance.

Avena sativa has begun to be used to help against attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although there have not yet been scientific studies on its effects

Ayurvedic medical practitioners in India have used Avena sativa to get rid of dependencies on both nicotine and opium

Oat straw extract is rich in many antioxidants, including avenanthramides, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been shown to increase your risk of conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers

Green oat extract contains a unique group of antioxidants called avenanthramides, which have been shown to improve heart health. In particular, they may improve blood flow by increasing the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps dilate blood vessels. Research shows that impaired blood flow is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

It’s high in iron, manganese, and zinc.

Generally, Avena sativa produces no adverse effects unless taken in larger doses. If this is the case, side effects may include sleeplessness or an increase in heart rate. It’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional before adding Avena sativa or any other supplement to your diet, particularly if you are currently being treated for any other medical conditions. 



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